New Year, New Story!

New year, new me! 


It’s a phrase we hear a lot at the start of a new calendar year. What it means: we’re ready to summon the newest and best version of ourselves to begin the year ahead. The funny thing is, the ‘new me’ that we think of, aka, the evolved self, is usually revealed at the end of a journey, not at the start of one.

So, I think the more fitting proclamation would be: New year, new story!


Your story is the process of transformation, aka, the journey, that brings about the new you. 


Goals motivate us. Goals give us something to strive for. An accomplishment to go after. But stories inspire us. Stories give us something to live by. Stories transform us and provide meaning.


So, why are we not writing stories at the start of a new year instead of goals?


The good news is: When it comes to planning your year, or your life, you can write pretty much whatever story you like...


... as long as you know how.

Ready to Write your Story?

Want a peek at how I use stories for New Year’s goal-setting? Click below to learn more about my 4-step process.

How I Use Stories for Personal Goal-Setting and Life Planning

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kisha solomon

Kisha Solomon is the founder of The Good Woman School. A writer, traveler and thinker, Kisha has made a career as a strategic advisor to corporate executives and small business owners. Her ‘big why’ includes elevating the status of black women and people of color around the world. 

Visit her personal blog at:

The 5 Self-Assessments I Do Before Goal-Setting


Using Stories for Goal-Setting and Life Planning: Write, Then Edit